Dra. Sri Kusumo Habsari, M.Hum., Ph.D

NIP 196703231995122001
Current Functional Position Associate Professor
Faculty Faculty of Cultural Science
Study Program Bachelor’s English literature
Place and date of birth Surakarta, 23 Maret 1967
Expertice Gender, Media, Cultural Studies and Development
No Educational Background University
1 Doctor Sastra Inggris, The Flinders University Of South Australia (2007)
2 Master Sastra Inggris Universitas Gadjah Mada (1996)
3 Bachelor Sastra Inggris Universitas Sebelas Maret (1992)


Current Functional Position
“Associate Professor”

Experience in a Management Position
“Head of Department”

National or International Seminar Proceedings

National or International Journal Articles

  1. Foucault’s Docile Bodies Perspective: The Figure of Seniwati’s Feminism in the Wido Documentary Film. (Link)
  2. Javanese Language Representation: A Dialogue and Expression ala Kethoprak in the Film Nyumbang. (Link)
  3. YouTube Viewers’ Ideology on the Content of Pilgrimage Practices to the Ulama’s Tomb: A Case Study of the Tomb of Habib Anis Al-Habsyi in Surakarta (Link)
  4. KAJIAN POETIKA KOGNITIF KETERLIBATAN PEMBACA TERHADAP FIKSI DIGITAL (The Study of Cognitive Poetics to the Readers’ Engagement with Digital Fiction) (Link)
  5. The Spatiality of the Social Media Crowd in Okky Madasari’s Kerumunan Terakhir (Link)
  6. Tradition and Industry.(Link)
  7. Representation of Beauty Standard on Indonesia’s Woman Bankers (Link)
  8. Negotiating The Social Body: The Autonomy and Subjectivity of Javanese Female Singer “Sinden” in Eka Uget-Uget. (Link)
  10. Ludic Activity of Writing Using Wattpad as Digital Fiction Engagement and Meaning Experiences. (Link)
  11. HARGA DIRI DAN STATUS SOSIAL: MOTIF MERANTAU ORANG MINANGKABAU DALAM FILM (Pride and Social Status: The Migrating Motive Minangkabau People in Cinema) (Link)

Printed or Online Publications of Essay

Research Titles

  1. Cultural Studies and Media (2014 s/d 2021)
  2. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gender (P3G) (2014 s/d 2019)
  3. Pengkajian Budaya dan Media (2016 s/d 2018)
  4. Multidiciplinary Research for Cultural (2021 s/d 2021)

Awards and Achievements


Community Service Programs

Professional Certification/Training Experience
Certificate as competent editor and reviewer

ID Publikasi

Google Scholar

Professional Background and Academic/ Business/ Corporate Experience

Academic staff in English department