Dr. Henry Yustanto, M.A.

NIP 196204141990031002
Current Functional Position Associate Professor
Faculty Faculty of Cultural Science
Study Program Bachelor’s Degree Program in Indonesian Literature
Place and date of birth Ponorogo, 14 April 1962
Expertice Phonology and phonetic Accoustics
No Educational Background University
1 Doctor Linguistik Deskriptif, Universitas Sebelas Maret (2018)
2 Master Sosiolinguistik, Essex University, United Kingdom (2010)
3 Bachelor Linguistik Bahasa Indonesia, Universitas Sebelas Maret (1988)

Current Functional Position
“Associate Professor”

Experience in a Management Position
1. Head of Indonesian Literature Study Program 2003-2007
2. Head of Indonesian Literature Study Program 2007-2008
3. deputy dean for student affairs and alumni, 2019-2020
4. deputy dean for student affairs and alumni, 2019-2020

National or International Seminar Proceedings

  1. Widyastuti, H., Sawardi, F. X., & Yustanto, H. (2019, August). Intensity and Politeness in the Interrogative Sentences of Javanese Language. In Fifth Prasasti International Seminar on Linguistics (PRASASTI 2019) (pp. 339-343). Atlantis Press. (Link)
  2. Yustanto, H., & Widyastuti, C. S. (2018, August). Pitch Movement of Javanese Language Use: Lesson Learned from People Acrross-Generations in Yogyakarta Municipality. In Fourth Prasasti International Seminar on Linguistics (Prasasti 2018) (pp. 106-110). Atlantis Press. (Link)
  3. Rais, W. A., & Yustanto, H. (2022, December). The Impact Of Cultural Contact Between Javanese And Palembang Malay On The Language System In The City Of Palembang. In INTERNATIONAL  CONFERENCE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE (ICHSS) (pp. 1-11). (Link)
  5. Yustanto, H., & Widyastuti, C. S. (2018, November). The Intensity of Imperative Sentences in Javanese Language. In International Seminar on Recent Language, Literature, and Local Cultural Studies (BASA 2018) (pp. 229-235). Atlantis Press.
  6. Widagdo, T. B., Djatmika, D., & Yustanto, H. (2019). Karakteristik Prosodi Werkudara dalam Wayang Purwa (Kajian Fonetik Akustik). In Prosiding Seminar Nasional Linguistik Dan Sastra (SEMANTIKS) (Vol. 1, pp. 690-696). (Link)
  7. Hanandita, V., & Yustanto, H. (2023, July). REALISASI JENIS TINDAK TUTUR YANG DIGUNAKAN OLEH TERAPIS WICARA DALAM PROSES PENANGANAN KLIEN (KAJIAN PSIKOLINGUISTIK). In Prosiding Seminar Sastra Budaya dan Bahasa (SEBAYA) (Vol. 3, pp. 361-367). (Link)
  8. Annisa, L., Santosa, R., & Yustanto, H. (2023, May). BUGIS LANGUAGE: VITALITY AND REVITALIZATION IN BALIKPAPAN. In International Conference on Education of Suryakancana (IConnects Proceedings).

National or International Journal Articles

  1. Yustanto, H. (2021). Effects of Prosody on The Politeness of Javanese Interrogative Sentences. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 634-641. (Link)
  2. Ardhian, D., Purnanto, D., & Yustanto, H. (2021). Religious performance in Malang, Indonesia: Linguistic landscape on worship sign. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(2), 983-1000. (Link)
  3. Purnanto, D., Yustanto, H., Ginanjar, B., & Ardhian, D. (2022). English operation in public space: Linguistic landscape in culinary business of Surakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 18(1), 345-360. (Link)
  4. Al-Hamzi, A. M. S., Nababan, M., Santosa, R., Djatmika, D., Sumarlam, S., & Yustanto, H. (2023). Frequent linguistic errors in the writing of Yemeni EFL Arabic-speaking learners. Studies in English Language and Education, 10(1), 350-368. (Link)
  5. Syukri, H., Yustanto, H., Sawardi, F. X., Nugroho, M., Widyastuti, C. S., Widyastuti, H., & Ginanjar, B. (2022). Strategi Ketidaksantunan Berbahasa dalam Wacana Keagamaan. Risenologi, 7(1), 1-10. (Link)
  6. Widagdo, T. B., & Yustanto, H. (2020). Strategy Politeness of Werkudara in Wayang purwa. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 3(6), 127-134. (Link)
  7. Yustanto, H., & Mohamad, B. (2016). Javanese Language Prosody of Yogyakarta. Advanced Science Letters, 22(12), 4054-4058. (Link)
  8. Nurhamidah, I., Santosa, R., & Yustanto, H. (2022). Systemic Functional Rhetoric: A Mixed Hallidayan-Aristotelian Approach to Persuasive Speeches. resmilitaris, 12(6), 1338-1350. (Link)
  9. Nafis, H., Yustanto, H., & Rais, W. A. (2023). The Influence of Language Attitudes on Indonesian Language Proficiency of BIPA Learners in Semarang City. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 10(8), 376-384. (Link)
  10. Izzati, I., Rais, W. A., & Yustanto, H. (2023). Code Selection Patterns in Social Interactions of Communities in Sinar Peninjauan District, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency: Sociolinguistic Study. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 10(8), 325-334. (Link)
  11. Annisa, L., Santosa, R., & Yustanto, H. (2023). Language Revitalization Policy in Balikpapan. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 10(7), 504-510. (Link)
  12. Megaswari, R. W., & Yustanto, H. (2023). Code Choices of English Language Teachers in Social Interactions at SMK Negeri 1 Pringapus. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 6(9), 30-38. (Link)
  13. Junaidi, J., Sawardi, F. X., & Yustanto, H. (2023). Tang as Transformation of the Singular First Personal Pronoun into Singular First Personal Possessive Pronoun in Madurese Language. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 10(3), 93-98. (Link)
  14. Asoka, K., Yustanto, H., & Wibowo, A. H. (2023). Conversational Implicature in the Sea Speaks His Name Novel by Leila S. Chudori. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 10(8), 397-402. (Link)
  15. Arifin, M. R. F., Rais, W. A., & Yustanto, H. (2022). Verbal Expression in the Pilgrimage Tradition of the Suntenjaya Village Community. (Link)
  16. Gunawan, F. Yustanto, H (2019). Sistem prosidi suara mahasiswa multietnis di Surakarta. Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, 8(2), 143-163. (Link)
  17.  Habib, H. R., Yustanto, H., & Wibowo, A. H. (2022). Silaba tonis dalam intonasi bahasa Indonesia pada penutur Pandhalungan. KEMBARA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya, 8(1), 111-130. (Link)
  19. Tasyarasita, A. Z., Duhita, M. E., Yulianti, W., & Yustanto, H. RAGAM BAHASA SLANG OLEH REMAJA GEN Z PADA MEDIA SOSIAL TIKTOK (KAJIAN SOSIOLINGUISTIK). Translation and Linguistics (Transling), 3(2), 98-109. (Link)
  20. Syukri, H., Yustanto, H., Sawardi, F. X., Widyastuti, C. S., Widyastuti, H., & Ginanjar, B. (2022). Pelatihan DAI Bagi Remaja Masjid pada Forum Remaja Masjid se-Kabupaten Karanganyar. SEMAR (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni bagi Masyarakat), 11(1), 24-29.
  21.  Widagdo, T. B., & Yustanto, H. (2020). Idiolect’Antawacana’Werkudara in Wayang Purwa. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation (IJLLT). (Link)

Printed or Online Publications of Essay

Research Titles

  1. 2022-2023, Pengaruh Prosodi dan Kesantunan dalam Kalimat Bahasa Jawa terhadap Dimensi Sosial Masyarakat Jawa, Ketua Peneliti, Hibah Fundamental Universitas Sebelas Maret (The Influence of Prosody and Politeness in Javanese Sentences on the Social Dimensions of Javanese Society, Lead Researcher, Fundamental Grants Universitas Sebelas Maret)
  2. 2020-2021, Pengaruh Prosodi Kalimat Interogatif Bahasa Jawa Terhadap Kesantunan Berbahasa, Ketua Peneliti, Hibah Fundamental Universitas Sebelas Maret (The Influence of Javanese Interrogative Sentence Prosody on Language Politeness, Lead Researcher, Fundamental Grants Universitas Sebelas Maret)
  3. 2019, Intensitas Dan Kesantunan Kalimat Interogatif Dalam Bahasa Jawa, Ketua Peneliti, Penelitian Unggulan Universitas Sebelas Maret (Intensity and Politeness of Interrogative Sentences in Javanese, Lead Researcher, Excellence Research Grants Universitas Sebelas Maret)
  4. 2018, Struktur Subjek dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Anggota Peneliti, Hibah Fundamental Universitas Sebelas Maret (Subject Structure in Indonesian, Research Member, Fundamental Grants Universitas Sebelas Maret)
  5. 2018, Strategi Penyampaian Tindak Tutur Menyarankan Dai pada Wacana Dakwah Dialogis di Kota Surakarta, Anggota Peneliti, Research Group Linguistik Universitas Sebelas Maret (Speech Act Delivery Strategy Suggests Dai on Dialogical Da’wah Discourse in Surakarta City, Research Member, Linguistics Research Group Sebelas Maret University)


Awards and Achievements

      • Satya Lencana 10 award for service as a civil servant for ten years from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
      • Satya Lencana 20 award for service as a civil servant for ten years from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
      • Satya Lencana 30 award for service as a civil servant for ten years from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia


        1. Widyastuti Chattri S., Henry Yustanto, F.X. Sawardi Kamus (2020) Istilah Linguistik Historis Komparatif (dilengkapi dengan tokoh-tokoh Linguistik Historis Komparatif) (Comparative Historical Linguistics Terms (equipped with Comparative Historical Linguistics figures) Surakarta: Penerbit UNS Press
        2. Widyastuti, Chattri S., Henry Yustanto, Bakdal Ginanjar (2020) Kamus Istilah Fonetik Dan Fonologi (dilengkapi dengan tokoh-tokoh Linguistik bidang Fonetik dan Fonologi) (Dictionary of Phonetic and Phonological Terms (equipped with Linguistic figures in the field of Phonetics and Phonology) Surakarta: Penerbit UNS Press
        3. Widyastuti,Chattri S.. Henry Yustanto, Bakdal Ginanjar (2021) Kamus Istilah Morfologi (dilengkapi dengan tokoh-tokoh Linguistik bidang Morfologi) (Dictionary of Morphological Terms (equipped with Linguistic figures in the field of Morphology)Surakarta: Penerbit UNS Press
        4. Widyastuti, Chattri S., Henry Yustanto, F.X. Sawardi (2022) Kamus Istilah Linguistik Historis Komparatif & Dialektologi. (Dictionary of Comparative Historical Linguistics & Dialectology Terms)Surakarta: Penerbit UNS Press
        5. Widyastuti, Chattri S., Henry Yustanto, Bakdal Ginanjar (2023) 100 Tokoh Linguistik Dan Karyanya (100 Linguistic Figures and Their Works) Surakarta: Penerbit UNS Press

Community Service Programs

        1. 2019, Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Bagi Guru Bahasa Indonesia SMK Surakarta, Anggota Pengabdi, Hibah Pengabdian Riset Grup Universitas Sebelas Maret (Scientific Writing Training for Indonesian Language Teachers at Surakarta Vocational Schools, Member of Community Service, Group Research Service Grant Universitas Sebelas Maret)
        2. 2020, Pelatihan Dai bagi Remaja Masjid pada Forum Remaja Masjid Se-Kabupaten Karanganyar (2020) Anggota Pengabdi, Hibah Pengabdian Riset Grup Universitas Sebelas Maret (Dai Training for Mosque Youth at the Karanganyar Regency Mosque Youth Forum Member of Community Service, Group Research Service Grant Universitas Sebelas Maret
        3. 2021. Pelatihan Retorika Ceramah Agama untuk Remaja Masjid Se-Kabupaten Karanganyar Anggota Pengabdi, Hibah Pengabdian Riset Grup Universitas Sebelas Maret (Religious Lecture Rhetoric Training for Mosque Youth in Karanganyar Regency, Member of Community Service, Group Research Service Grant Universitas Sebelas Maret
        4. 2022, Pelatihan Dakwah dalam Media Sosial Anggota Pengabdi, Anggota Pengabdi Hibah Pengabdian Riset Grup Universitas Sebelas Maret (Da’wah Training in Social Media, Member of Community Service, Group Research Service Grant Universitas Sebelas Maret
        5. 2023, Pelatihan Public Speaking dan Dakwah bagi Remaja Masjid di Forum Silaturrahim Remaja Masjid Se-Kabupaten Karanganyar (Fosremka), Anggota Pengabdi, Hibah Pengabdian Riset Grup Universitas Sebelas Maret (Public Speaking and Da’wah Training for Mosque Youth at the Karanganyar Regency, Member of Community Service, Group Research Service Grant Universitas Sebelas Maret


Professional Certification/Training Experience
Lecturer Professional Certification, 2015

ID Publikasi

Google Scholar

Professional Background and Academic/ Business/ Corporate Experience

1. Visiting lecturer at institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw, 2011
2. Visiting lecturer at Faculty of Oriental Sudies, University of Warsaw, 2011
3. Visiting lecturer at Vistula University, Warsaw 2011
4. Visiting lecturer at Collegium Civitas, Warsaw 2011
5. Given Lecture at Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Polandia, 2011